How to move the location of the offline files cache in Windows 10
Please follow the below steps to move offline file cache in Windows 10:
- Create a folder for your offline file cache. Something like D:\CSC.
- Open the Sync Center and go to Manage Offline Files. (Control Panel\All Control Panel Items\Sync Center)
- Click Disable Offline Files
- Restart the machine.
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- Click Disable Offline Files
- From an elevated command prompt type the following:
- Takeown /r /f C:\Windows\CSC. (this takes ownership of the current location).
- rd /s C:\Windows\CSC (removes the current system default location)
- mklink /J C:\Windows\CSC “D:\CSC” (you can use any folder name in the destination, but be sure to use the quotes if you have space(s) in the name). (this creates a link for windows to the new folder)
- Reopen the sync center and Enable Offline Files.
- Restart the machine.
- All files/folders that are made available offline should now be redirected to the new folder you created.
Do remember to reverse this process if you remove the drive that contains the new location and delete the link. You also need to use the rmdir (rd) to remove the junction to the c:\windows\csc using the same name that you created with the mklink command above.