SharePoint Site Collection

The following SharePoint pages control most of the Site Collection Settings. Some of the pages may or may not exist depending on the site collection type Foundation, Enterprise (on premise) or Office 365 P or E (cloud based).

Base URL =

Page and Location Section Purpose or Description
_layouts/enhancedSearch.aspx  Site Collection Administration Search Settings
_layouts/viewscopes.aspx View Scopes
_layouts/listkeywords.aspx Search Keywords
_layouts/AdminRecycleBin.aspx Recycle Bin
_layouts/ManageFeatures.aspx?Scope=Site Site Collection Features
_layouts/vsubwebs.aspx Site hierarchy
_layouts/SiteNavigationSettings.aspx Site Collection Navigation
_layouts/AuditSettings.aspx Site Collection Audit Settings
_layouts/Reporting.aspx?Category=Auditing Audit log reports
_layouts/portal.aspx Portal Site Connection
_layouts/Policylist.aspx Site Collection Policies
_layouts/storman.aspx Storage Metrics
_Layouts/sitecachesettings.aspx Site Collection Output Cache
_Layouts/contenttypesyndicationhubs.aspx Content Type Publishing
_Layouts/TranslatableSettings.aspx Translatable Columns
PublishedLinks/AllItems.aspx Suggested Content Browser Locations
_Layouts/DocIdSettings.aspx Document ID Settings
_layouts/suppux.aspx Visual Upgrade
_layouts/HelpSettings.aspx Help Settings
_layouts/SharePointDesignerSettings.aspx SharePoint Designer Settings
_layouts/sitehealthcheck.aspx Site Collection Health Checks
_layouts/siteupgrade.aspx Site Collection Upgrade

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2 thoughts on “SharePoint Site Collection”

  1. oakley gascan ducati says:

    Nice post.

    1.  avatar wolf says:

      Thank you,
      this blog was started so that I have a place to keep track of my experiences and observations when using SharePoint.

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